As I walked past the front door, I glanced out of the window. There sat a white box with the standard US Postal Service "Priority Mail" sticker across the corner. This, however, was not just any box. This box was ensconced in maple leaf flag stickers.
I opened the door to bring the box inside. Both pups ran out ahead of me to investigate. Their tails wagged wildly as the sniffed every square inch of the cardboard. Having met with their approval, it was now safe to bring the box inside.
I could feel my heart beating excitedly as I opened the box. The return address was an American address, but I knew that the contents would be pure Canadian goodness. My assumption was correct. Inside the box was a myriad of Canadian treasures:
Coffee Crisp, Smarties, Big Turk, Mackintosh Toffee, Hickory Sticks, Ketchup Chips, and miscellaneous Canada souvenirs, including magnets, a teaspoon, a lanyard, and a kickin' bumper sticker for the Nukmobile!It has been so long since I have last seen some of the items, many of which provide Canadians with their sustaining life force.
Thank-you so much T-Girl, a fellow Canuck in Yankland! :)
PS. I am not sharing. :p
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