An ancient Chinese proverb states, "If you want happiness for a lifetime - help the next generation".
As such, a league of pioneering Canadian expatriates and Canadian sympathizers have done exactly that. Through their iron will, chocolate bar discrimination has come to an end, thus ensuring gastronomic happiness for generations of Americans to come.
That is right! Coffee Crisp can now be enjoyed freely south of the forty-ninth parallel. No longer must we rely on eBay to get a fix!
According to the official
Coffee Crisp Petition website:
After six long years of petitioning Nestle they have finally seen the light. In late July, 2006 Nestle will begin to market Coffee Crisp nationally, treating it like any other of the many candy bars they sell in the U.S. For the first time, Americans will finally be exposed to what had previously been an exclusively Canadian delicacy.
Support this chocolate bar revolution. The next time that you are asked, "How do you like your coffee?" Respond with, "Crisp!".
Troubleshooting:Can't find Coffee Crisp
near you?
Don't panic! Take
this form to your favourite corner store manager!
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