My heart skips a beat. A chill runs down my spine. I am reminded of my high school days when the boy that I was crushing on would be waiting at my locker to speak to me. That is the feeling that I get every time that I see that familiar maple leaf flag.
Seven years of living in the United States has made me a giddy school girl when it comes to seeing the symbols of my Home and Native Land. It is just so rare to see a Canadian flag or hear O Canada on this side of the border that, when I do, I have a very visceral reaction. There is no doubt about it, Canada makes my innards smile.
It is, therefore, with great anticipation that I await the opening ceremonies of the 2010 Olympic Games. Although NBC's television coverage will be centered upon American athletes, Canada will be the star of the show. Without a doubt, my American television will never have seen this much Canadian content. Well... at least not since WGN's Corner Gas marathon!
Edit: NBC's coverage is serving as Canada 101. American friends and family, you are being schooled! :)

Labels: Canada, Corner Gas, Olympic Games
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